Sunday, July 31, 2011

Visiting teaching ideas for August

All the ideas come with free downloads

The first idea comes from Latter-Day Chatter

The next one comes from Chasing Molly

Number three comes from See me VT

This idea is from In need of comfort

There is some great ideas, good luck and happy visiting teaching :)

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Cake pops, my verson

So I had the extra cake from the checkered cake that I made...  So I decided to make cake pops.

 I threw some frosting in, I didn't measure, but it was way more than I should have, they tast yummy, but the stick is really for show :)

 I rolled them into balls
And then I put them in the fridge for 5 hours.

 I had some straws on hand so I cut them in half and used them for sticks.
 I melted the chocolate, 45 seconds and these were done
 Then I dipped them all, put sprinkles on some, and put them back in the fridge

Checkered Cake

So I traded my little sister a pampered chef pitchers that I don't use for somethings that she had on hand from when she used to sell it.

She gave me the cute little loaf pan that has 4 little places for loaves.  And checkered cake pans, then she decided she really wanted a cake that she showed up with cake mixes and frosting.

So I decided to make her one...

I used a strawberry and chocolate cake mix and mixed them in separate bowls.

The I poured them in the pampered chef pans

Then I put them in the oven at 350 degrees for 29 minutes

Guess who put the racks too close, haha...

I took them out of the oven and let them cool for a while.

 Once they are cool I cut the hump off the top so that they could lay straight on top.
I saved the extra that I cut off for some cake balls, follow the link and you will find them there

 I placed a thin layer of cream cheese frosting between each cake.

 Than I made sure they were all level

 I put a think layer of frosting on the top so that it would pick up any loose cake pieces.
 And here it is all frosted

 Then of coarse she wanted sprinkles
 We ending up having cake at my brothers house, with lots of kids, a neighbor (and their kids) and lots and lots of fun!!!
 Here is what the inside of the cake looked like, pretty cool!!!
Thankfully they ate all of it, I didn't have to bring any home.  I think it was a successful evening :)

Friday, July 29, 2011

Twist on hair buns

I hate when Madi's fine hair falls out during school so I try to do hairstyles that stay in for the day...

I made a small pony at the nape of her neck and then split it into two
At the top I parted it into two and made ponies every couple inches meeting the bottom in the middle
 I the twisted the ponies into buns, then tada a cutie patootie. 
( I need to get better at taking pics during her hair style)

A cute quick handout

Somewhat simple had a cute idea for a handout.  I'm heading to pick up my scouting books from a lady in the ward and she just had a baby.  This is a cute easy (and can I say cheap) was to remind people that they are special and you are thinking of them.

Ok here is what you need:

I went away from their idea a bit and made it easier...

I used a pipe cleaner, the otter pops and the printable. (at the bottom of the post)

Items Needed:
Pen or Marker
Embellishments (buttons, rhinestones, silk flowers etc.)
Hole Punch
Lighter or Match
Glue Stick
Hot Glue Gun
Card Stock
…and this printable:


Thanks Somewhat Simple for the wonderful idea...

Cute decor pillow

This crazy, blessed life has posted a really cute throw pillow that you can make pretty easy.

She has done wonderful step by stop instructions.  And she has tons of great ideas for different crafts...

Here is a pic of the cute pillow and the link where she was visiting, be different act normal...

She also makes tutus, bows and tons of cute things.  Don't forget to go browse :)