Monday, August 8, 2011

Canvas pictures

I finally made some of the canvas pictures that I wanted to do here, I saw this post originally at Sassy Pepper and I loved it.  I bought some thin canvas boards from amazon and just printed pictures on card stock.  There was some trial and error here, but they all turned out awesome.

Depending on what finish you want, use either a sponge brush or a paint brush (will leave lines)

 These are the supplies I used, except for the picture.  I ended up using prints on card stock
 Apply the mod podge to the canvas board and the paper you are going to use

 Then apply the mod podge to the back side of the picture you want to use
 broke my brush lol

 All of these have the picture glued on, but not the glue on top.  That's where the trial and error begin
 Do not put it on thick like I did, make sure it is smoothed out more
 Do not use a plastic roller to smooth your picture (notice the rip on top, I will put working there with my new cricket:) )
 Notice the color on the edges of the picture.  Make sure you clean your brush after every application, if you are using a card stock print.

 I had to redo this one because of the thickness of the glue, it covered her face
So I can hang them I glued a ribbon on the back.

Here is the finished product...

I had a niece and nephew get baptized over the weekend.  I made them a picture of Christ with a saying on the bottom and turned them into a canvas print.

I also made them baptism books, seen below :)

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