Saturday, September 10, 2011

Oatmeal & Peanut Butter Bar

These are the most scrumptious Oatmeal Bars you will ever have.  It's an Oatmeal and Peanut Butter Bar


1/2c butter
1/2c brown sugar
1/2c sugar
1 egg
1/3 c peanut butter
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 salt
1c flour
1c oats
1c chocolate chips
Note: You can put the chocolate chips into the dough or wait and melt it on top

1/2c powdered sugar
2Tbsp peanut butter
2Tbsp Milk

Preheat oven to 350 degees

Cream butter and sugars together, add the egg and peanut butter and mix well.
Stir in soda, salt flour and oats.  Press into a 9x13 pan, Sprinkle chocolate chips over top and bake for 20-25 minutes or until golden.  Remove from oven and drizzle icing over.

I changed a couple little things.  I mixed the chocolate chip into the batter mix, and I double the batch.


 Mix the sugar, brown sugar and butter together
Add baking powder, and salt

Egg, flour and oats

I added the chocolate chips instead of putting them on top

Press into a cookie sheet (in the recipe it says 9x13 but I wanted bigger that's why the two sides look a little different, I had to make it twice :) )


 Add milk and peanut butter and mix

, then add in the powder sugar.
 Out of the oven
 Drizzle icing and let cool...
Then tada!!!  This is what you get....


  1. I can tell you that these are sooooo good! Thank you Kim!

  2. You are very welcome, glad you liked them...


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