Thursday, September 15, 2011

Quick Dinner with leftover meat

 As you know I have been looking for something to make with the yummy ham I had left over...

I took my ham out of the freezer and let it defrost in the fridge.  And then I decided to just throw crap together and make my first casserole. It turned out yummy, I was worried... :)  We had some scones with this, Madi loves scones she can eat them for every meal.  (I feel that way too though)
Turn oven to 350 degrees
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 35 minutes

1/2 bag of frozen tater tots
1 can of cream of mushroom soap
1/2 cup of cottage cheese
1/3 cup of sour cream
Left over meat (mine was ham, it's in the freezer container)
1 cup of cheese
salt and pepper

Layer the tater tots in the bottom of a 8x8 pan (if you want 9x13 double the recipe) 
Then layer you meat on top

Mix together in a bowl the cream of mushroom, cottage cheese and sour cream and pour it on top 

Then add the cheese (I love cheese)

 Place it in the oven at 350 degrees for 35 minutes
 It was so good!!!
It was way better the next day for lunch, so make enough for left overs :)

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