Friday, September 2, 2011

Quilting Patterns

The Polka-Dot Umbrella has wonderful instructions for different quilting blocks...

#11 LeMoyne Uneven Nine Patch

Background A 4 - 2 1/4 x 3
Fabric 1 (center) B 1 – 3 square
Fabric 2 (corners) C 4 – 2 1/4 squares
Begin by laying all of your pieces out to look like a 9 patch. Sew your 3 rows together, pressing towards the dark fabric within each row. Sew rows together, press away from the center row. Block should measure 6 1/2” square.

#14 Shoo Fly

AA 2 – 2 7/8 HST
B 4 – 2 1/2 squares

AA 2 – 2 7/8 squares HST
BB 1 – 2 1/2 square center

Start by making the four HST (Half Square Triangles) using the 2 7/8 squares from each fabric. Square up these HST to 2 1/2. Press to the darker fabric.

Next, lay pieces out like a 9 patch. Sew together into 3 rows. Press towards background fabric for less bulk. Sew rows together, press towards center row. Block should measure 6 1/2" square.

 #15 Paper Pieced Heart

A document on how to paper piece has been sent to all the Block of the Month followers. If you need the directions on how to paper piece please leave a comment with your email address. If you're not interested in paper piecing sew any quilt block you like, it should just square up to 6 inches.

#22 Square and a Half

AA 2 – 3 7/8 squares HST
B 4 – 3 1/2 x 9 1/2

Color 1 (dark):
AA 2 – 3 7/8 squares HST
A 8 – 3 1/2 squares flip corners
D 1 – 4 1/2 square QST

Color 2 (med):
C 4 – 3 1/2 squares
D 1 – 4 1/2 square QST

Color 3 (light):
C 1 – 3 1/2 square center
D 2 – 4 1/2 squares QST

Begin by making the four AA, HST corners. Square up to 3 1/2, press towards the dark. Next, draw diagonal lines on the back of each 3 1/2, dark fabric. Sew these directly on the line to piece B using the block above as a guide for direction.

Next, QST, sew one of each Color #3 to Color #1 and Color #2. Sew like you are making a HST. Cut on line and press towards the dark. Do not square up yet. Now take one dark unit and place it with one medium unit. Draw a diagonal line, sew on both sides of line. Cut on line. Now you can square up to 3 1/2.

Finally, lay all of your sewn pieces out to match the block photo. Assemble the center 9 patch first, this should measure 9 1/2. Continue with another 9 patch assembly until block is done. Block should measure 15 1/2 square

Go check them out...  This one was just for July...

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