Friday, September 9, 2011

September Visiting Teaching

For September's Visiting Teaching I have used SeeMeVT from fb witch is also inkablinka...  She has awesome ideas and she has them prepared usually the month before and you know I like that!!!

I love to go visiting teaching, and get to know the sisters in my church better.  If you want to know more about my church go here.

Here is what I decided to do, the visiting teaching message for September is found here.  I think it's pretty awesome to thing that we can strengthen our families by increasing spirituality in our homes and with our children.  It's amazing the little steps we can take to increase the spirit in our home.

Now onto my handout

Inkablinka provides a free printable  in multiple languages too..  How awesome is she??? What a wonderful gift she has....

I printed the printable and cut it out

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