Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The Book of Mormon Forum #1

 Because I volunteered to be involved in the Book of Mormon Forum that We talk of Christ, We Rejoice in Christ is doing.  To further build my testimony of the Book of Mormon.   I decided I need to reread the pages of it.

Ever since my little one was about 2 I have read the Book of Mormon, Old Testament, New Testament, and the Doctrine & Covenants stories to her.  These stories simplify the books and add pictures that entertain little ones.  I believe teaching her that she came down from heaven and was sent here for a purpose is very important and will help her build her own testimony.

When I started reading in 1 Nephi it still amazes me the faith these prophets had.  For Lehi and other prophets to go into the city of Jerusalem and preach the things that the Lord had asked of him.  To warn the people to repent of their wickedness or be destroyed.  Lehi knew what had happened to the other prophets, some were cast out, stoned, slain, or people would sought to take their life.  And he went anyways, because he had faith in the Lord.   

And Nephi wrote, (1 Nephi 1:20) But behold, I, Nephi, will show unto you the tender mercies of the Lord are all over those whom he hath chosen, because of their faith, to make them mighty even unto the power of deliverance. 

 Lehi & Nephi had many trials in their lives and they were always faithful unto the Lord.  Their testimonies were strengthened with the trials they went through.  I know that my testimony has been strengthened because of the trials I have had in my life.  I am thankful for the Book of Mormon and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  I'm grateful for the teaching that I learn when I read the Book of Mormon, I hope that I am able to be send a message of hope and love to others that read this.  I love the scriptures!  I'm thankful to be a part of this Forum and grateful for the opportunity to share my testimony and the Gospel. 

If they had faith to go through all of that to share the Gospel, I can blog about my faith and love for the Book or Mormon.  I hope not to offend anyone, but to share the happiness that I have.  If you have any questions about the Book of Mormon, please leave a comment below, or message me.


  1. Perfect love overcometh fear! I am sure your testimonies will be received in the spirit in which they are given here on your blog...that is a spirit of love!

  2. Aloha Kim, I can definely feel the love of ur testimony through ur blog I am definely liking sharing my thoughts, experience through the Book of Mormon Forum that we all started for the month of October.. Thanks for sharing ur love of friendship, of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saint.. Have good night ttyl Mahalo, Marissa


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